Mark Kozelek Mark Kozelek - Ruth Marie

I grew so old in that house I lived in
They brought me here 'cause I can't take care
I lost my worth and my purpose here
I feel you cry, but I can't speak my mind
Will you hold me and never let me go?
'Cause I hated when you walk outside that door
'Cause I know I won't ever see your eyes
The eyes I gave you

When my eyes shut, they'll take me to the land
For fifty years I lived there with my man
And on my own, I lived for forty more
I watched you grow up from babies on the floor
To the beautiful women that you are
And I hated that you've gone away so far
'Cause I know I won't ever see those eyes
The eyes I gave you

The evenings fall, they'll drag me out the hall
Up to my bunk and drug me 'til I'm numb
But pass the haze, I see your pretty face
Remember me when I'm gone
You know I love you, though I can hardly say
And I hate it when you see me in this way
But in darkness, I'll always see those eyes
The eyes I gave you